Just wanted to share a healthy marital tip ...
Ephesians 5:21 (ESV) - Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Now, lets not rush through this bible verse; because perhaps you might misinterpret what the Apostle Paul is saying. Most people stereotype this verse as if Paul the Apostle is referring to one spouse (the husband) being more superior to the other; but that isn't the goal of this verse ...
The word submitting is defined as to yield oneself to the power or authority of another: In other words, sharing in making the decisions; because no one has carte blanche (full discretionary power) when it refers to purchasing something new, maxing out the credit cards or relinquishing from their present employment because they don't like to work (it happens), is similar to what the Apostle Paul is hinting at ...
A couple, whether their dating, engaged or happily married should constantly communicate with their spouse before making any decision that may effect both of them, for the rest of their life's. On that note, the manner in which you love, serve and respect your wife or husband, is an interpretation of how you: see, obey and eventually serve the Lord ...
God Bless every marriage, far and near ... #Amen,
Ephesians 5:21 (ESV) - Submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.
Now, lets not rush through this bible verse; because perhaps you might misinterpret what the Apostle Paul is saying. Most people stereotype this verse as if Paul the Apostle is referring to one spouse (the husband) being more superior to the other; but that isn't the goal of this verse ...
The word submitting is defined as to yield oneself to the power or authority of another: In other words, sharing in making the decisions; because no one has carte blanche (full discretionary power) when it refers to purchasing something new, maxing out the credit cards or relinquishing from their present employment because they don't like to work (it happens), is similar to what the Apostle Paul is hinting at ...
A couple, whether their dating, engaged or happily married should constantly communicate with their spouse before making any decision that may effect both of them, for the rest of their life's. On that note, the manner in which you love, serve and respect your wife or husband, is an interpretation of how you: see, obey and eventually serve the Lord ...
God Bless every marriage, far and near ... #Amen,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (C)Copy Right 2011 All Rights Reserved
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