Saturday, October 11, 2014

Cultivating Your Marriage

How can you maintain or uncover the foundation for a happy marriage?   

1.  Friendship cultivates the intimacy between husband and wife and it also sustains the marriage, even beyond a romantic connection.
2.  Feel free, to be opened minded when it comes to comprehending your spouses: likes, dislikes, fears, hopes and dreams.
3.  Respect for one another, while simply enjoying each other’s company is key.
4.  A couple's friendship, after a period of time, patience and loving/difficult encounters can turn into wonderful attributes that teach each other how to repair hurt feelings, as well as how to apologize and keep inevitable conflict from getting out-of control.

Indeed, if you add all of the above into your marriage, this is what can concur ...

Ecclesiastes 4:9 (NCV) - Two people are better than one, because they get more done by working together.

Savory this, while you partake of a relaxing Saturday, along side of your spouse ... #Amen,

God Bless Your Marriage,
Written by Pastor Nancy Advincola (C)Copy Right 2011 All Rights Reserved

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